TimeMind is a convenient time and disbursement recording, multi currency billing, document management and financial reporting practice management system. Customer-friendly and accessible, this is the ultimate choice for consultants and legal professionals to organize daily tasks, billing and documentation, all in one system. Always hands-on, this is the tool to manage your various interests on the spot as required. The system has been designed by users based on their requirements.
How does it work
TimeMind collates a myriad of data according to your needs, then in to clear and easy to access forms in order to help you to understand your business matters, your data and the information that concerns your profession. Usable both for lawyers-partners and associates, it creates a clear and reliable picture on the spot.
Time Recording
Multi Currency Billing
Financial Reporting
The servers are at the client’s disposal, therefore data management is under the client’s control. TimeMind provides the service background and needs no special hardware requirements. The information is stored in Microsoft SQL Server (EXPRESS EDITION is also suitable) and the communication is encrypted, secured by SSL. Usage of the system is personalized and Windows-friendly.
Frequently Asked Questions
TimeMind is based on client-server architecture and uses SQL server database. Therefore, all data is stored on the server of the customer. The protection level of data is therefore equal to the same level of protection that the customer applies to its IT system in general.
It has never happened during the past 20-years operational experience of the software. However, in such an unlikely and unexpected situation, files can be accessed through standard Microsoft file management functions. The files and documents can be found in the same structure as they had been saved in TimeMind.
All of your existing data can be migrated into TimeMind before its launch. You can find it in the same structure as had been stored before.
We provide general training before its launch, which proves to be more than sufficient because of the reach into ITive user interface concept. Users clearly enjoy using TimeMind.